The Vortex Centre For Wellbeing
The Vortex Centre For Wellbeing opened in the spring of 2016 with the simple intention to help as many people as possible find their way back to natural balance and wellbeing.
One of the first certified breathwork and cold exposure experts in the World Jim has shared his vast knowledge and experience with over 10,000 people since these modalities came into his own life and daily ‘work’.
Jim shares the techniques and lessons he has learned throughout his last 27 years of intentional living in order to give you the shortcuts.
Jim McFadyen
For almost 3 decades Jim has been on a Devotional Journey of Self Discovery and Mastery that has been remarkable in many ways.
With the simple intention to discover “who he REALLY was” back in 1997, his story and experiences along his Way including the many lessons learned from some of the ‘Greats’ have allowed him to create and ultimately share ‘The Program’ he has been ‘Blessed With’ after all those years of his ‘Work’.
Jim’s workshops are renowned for their safe, nurturing atmosphere, where transformative experiences are not just possible, but expected.
Profound transformations on all levels have been reported and experienced by many who have been on a Guided Breath-Work Journey under Jim’s Instruction.
There is Simply Nothing Like IT.
Out Of The head and mind – Back Into The Heart And Soul.